22 August 2005

We The People...

An abnormal blogger I am. Staying miles away from 99% of the personal in all of my previous posts combined, I now submit myself before the blogging gods. Heretofore, I shall oversee a singular blog devoted to the day-in and day-outness of being a fully armed an operational baby daddy. Welcome to Lame Duck Sauce(*). For those of you incapable of comprehending my posts with the grammatically sanctioned dadspeak, at your request, I may provide a brief synopsis of any and all posts in boring, everyday English.

Lame Duck Sauce rules and regs:

1. If you are a parental unit in possession of your own sub-units, please identify yourself appropriately in the comments section. Otherwise, I shall assume that your knowledge in the lame duck arena to be non-existent, therefore without merit on any and all matters relating to this blog.

2. Any cursewords (except for mine) are subject to immediate deletion, UNLESS said curse word is preceded by the word EARMUFFS.

3. Unlike some of my other work, what normally comes across as sarcasm is actually hopelessness, fear, or bordlerine lunacy, or a combination of all of the above. Interventions are more than welcome!

(*)Disclaimer: Lame Duck Sauce is not a name in the vein of Juicy Pork Buns. In fact, it was the ONLY alternative to naming this blog "3AM Paternal", a thoughtful yet obscure early 90s pop culture reference, also implying that most of my serious parenting actually occurs around 3 in the morning.


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